我班覃鲲鹏同学成绩优异,是我班当之无愧的“学霸”之一。到目前为止,覃鲲鹏同学已拿下了宾夕法尼亚州立大学(The Pennsylvania State University)、德州大学奥斯丁分校(University of Texas at Austin)及马里兰帕克分校(University of Maryland, College Park)等大学的录取,上述三所大学在美国高校中都享有着“公立常春藤”(Public Ivy)的美誉。
李正东同学平时成绩优秀,学习认真,做事严谨,目前拿到了多所高校的录取,其中之一佐治亚大学(University of Georgia),创建于1785年,历史十分久远,首位校长以及一位校董事会成员曾参与起草和签署了美国《独立宣言》,同时,佐治亚大学也是全美第一所公立大学。
李知乐同学获纽约州立大学布法罗分校(Universityat Buffalo, the State University of New York)的奖学金录取,奖学金为每学年2000美元。纽约州立大学布法罗分校学校是纽约州立大学系统中规模最大、综合性最强的公立旗舰大学,被誉为纽约州立大学“皇冠上的珍珠”。
除上述三位同学外,我班学生还获得了多所高校的录取,如匹茨堡大学(Universityof Pittsburgh)、弗吉尼亚理工学院暨州立大学(Virginia PolytechnicInstitute and State University)、新泽西州立大学(Rutgers, TheState University of New Jersey)、密歇根州立大学(Michigan StateUniversity)、惠顿学院(Wheaton College)等。
我班是广外外校国际部中美项目的首届毕业生,近三年来,中美项目校长Andi Ortega女士一直对我班近30名学生提供着可靠的支持。在同学们申请大学的过程中,校长全力配合,可谓劳苦功高。看到我班学生陆续拿到本科录取信,校长表示十分开心和欣慰。在此,为同学们送上几句来自校长本人的祝愿:
I am so proud of our seniors: they haveworked hard and are now reaping the rewards of their diligence. As I walk bythe vision bulletin board and see the offer letters, it helps me to see thefruit of our labour. Parents, you too have worked had to provide your childrenwith all the tools they need to succeed. I can’t wait to see what the studentsdo in this next chapter of their lives. Remember keep your BIG DREAM alive.
蔡奇霖 Dickinson College(提前批录取)
Miami University,Oxford
University of Connecticut
Michigan State University
Indiana University, Bloomington
戴禹泽 Boston University(提前批录取)
董启煌 Iowa State University
University at Buffalo of New York
黄韧匡 College of Wooster
University of Calorado Boulder
黎杰豪 Arizona State University
University of Arizona
李正东 Ohio State University - Columbus
Rutgers University
Michigan State University
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
University of Georgia
李知乐 Michigan State University
University of Iowa
Rutgers University
University ar Buffalo, the State Universityof New York(带奖录取)
梁晓琳 Universityof Denver(带奖录取)
梁晓慧 Universityof Denver(带奖录取)
罗博皓 George Washington University(提前批录取)
闵家城 Luther College
Siena College
覃鲲鹏 University of Texas at Austin
University of Maryland, College Park
Pennsylvania State University – UniversityPark
Ohio State University
孙峻霖 Washington State University
Michigan State University
University of Texas at Dallas
卫倚晴 Auburn University
吴颖琳 Iowa State University
Miami University, Oxford
夏俊杰 Iowa State University
Rutgers University
Virginia Tech
颜子钰 Knox College
Wheaton College
Ohio State University
杨 灏 Michigan State University
杨思康 Rutgers University
余星宏 University of Pittsburgh